The Blogger Appreciation Award

I am honored to announce that I have been nominated for the Blogger Appreciation Award. My friend, Charles French, created this award. Charles is an accomplished writer and a professor, and he has just released a new book titled Maledicus: The Investigative Paranormal Society. This horror novel has received wonderful reviews, and I suggest you check it out!


The Blogger Appreciation Award is the simplest award I have been nominated for – which I appreciate! The rules are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their site.
  • Write a paragraph of something positive about yourself.
  • Nominate and notify as many bloggers as you wish.
  • Use the award image.
Positive Paragraph

This is the most challenging award task I have ever had, since I usually make a point of not saying anything positive about myself. It is not that I dislike myself, but self-directed praise feels boastful and immodest to me. That being said, I am proud of my B-grade writing skills. It feels good to know that with time and (much) practice, I might make a decent writer one day.


Nominees are listed below in no particular order. As always, this nomination is a token of my support. If you run an award-free blog, then take this to mean that I genuinely appreciate your content and our online ‘conversations.’

Congratulations to all nominees!

28 Thoughts

        1. Hola Lady Medelaine! Lo siento por no responder más temprano! En este momento vivo en una casa sin internet, así tengo tiempo limitado por este blog. Voy a responderte mañana por la mañana, cuando puedo ir a un café.


        2. Hola Lady Madelaine, lo siento de nuevo por la demora!

          Si quiero crear un premio, hay pocas cosas necesitas hacer. Primero, debes decidir porque vas a dar el premio. La mayoría de los bloggers parece dar premios para mostrar sus gratitud por otros bloggers. Luego, necesitas decidir lo que los candidatos van a necesitar hacer por el premio. Usualmente necesitan responder a pocas preguntas sobre ellos o sus blogs. Siempre hay algunas reglas que los candidatos necesitan seguir, y vas a necesitar elegir las reglas por tu premio también. Finalmente, necesitas mandar el premio a tus candidatos.

          Espero que mi respuesta sea útil. Por favor, avíseme si necesitas más ayuda!


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