New StoneAgeMan Post: How do Archaeologists Locate Sites?

An archaeological dig at Knossos on the island of Crete.
Image by Götz Friedrich on Pixabay.

Those who’ve been following me for a while will know that I hate posting multiple times a day. Thus, when I do so, there’s always a good reason. I’m posting a second time today to let you know that I’ve just had another article published on StoneAgeMan!

StoneAgeMan is the awesome new website by Rob Nelson of Untamed Science. It’s about getting back to our roots as a species, so that we can rediscover who we are and make informed decisions about what kind of future we want to have. I’m truly honored to be part of this project by writing a series of educational pieces about archaeology.

This latest article is about surveying, or how archaeologists find sites. Every time I tell someone about my involvement in archaeology, the first question I get is, “How do archaeologists know where to dig?” Well, here’s the answer:

Also, please check out Rob’s videos! He’s a science filmmaker by trade, and a good one. Here’s his most recent video about a rare and endangered species of frog:

3 Thoughts

  1. Hadn’t really thought about how archaeologists know where to dig kinda assumed it was like some big gamble, you know let’s digging over there 😂😂 I have a good feeling about the vibes 😅 and I assume some sort of detectors the way miners have metal detectors……

    But what I really really really want to know is how people know where to dig for water


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