Petition Started to Oppose the Rosemont Copper Mine in Jaguar Critical Habitat

Snarl by Tim Bouwer. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
Snarl by Tim Bouwer. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Just two days ago, Conservation CATalyst and the Center for Biological Diversity released the first ever video footage of El Jefe: the jaguar who currently resides in the United States. El Jefe is the only known jaguar in the U.S., and he has been photographed here since 2012.

A large part of the Center for Biological Diversity’s original press release was dedicated to the threat posed by the Rosemont Mine. This would be an open pit copper mine, operated by a foreign company, right in the middle of federally designated critical jaguar habitat. It would also lie squarely within El Jefe’s home range.

The Center has now launched an online petition to oppose the Rosemont Mine. This is our chance to speak up and let the United States Fish and Wildlife Service know that we do not want this mine to be constructed. The public land it would destroy is meant to be a safe haven for El Jefe and any other jaguars who might travel to the U.S. from Mexico, and it should stay that way.

True jaguar recovery in the United States is still a long ways off, but steps are being taken to make it easier for the species to one day return. The Rosemont Mine would significantly hamper those efforts by ruining the critical habitat that was set aside for jaguars. Please take a stand today and sign the petition to oppose this mine.

Click here to be directed to the petition site

6 Thoughts

  1. Center for Biological Diversity is such a great group (have wanted to work for them for a while haha). Not only does the introduction of a mine destroy habitat…it usually gets sold back to the county its dug out from and then they have to spend money to restore it. If they can. An all around disaster!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you think that way about the Center! I’ve always supported them, because Michael Robinson is the person who most helped me rediscover my love of wildlife. But I’ve gathered that many of the established conservation groups disapprove of their methods.

      Yes, this mine would have many disastrous impacts. That’s why it’s important to generate as much public opposition to it as we can.


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