Celebrating the First International Jaguar Day

Jaguar 07-26-2009 24 by David Ellis. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Recently, 18 Latin American countries and several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) came up with a new plan to save jaguars (Panthera onca): the Jaguar 2030 Roadmap. Part of the new strategy to conserve the Americas’ largest cat included the establishment of the first ever International Jaguar Day.

Today, November 29, is that day.

In this press release, the conservation organization Panthera described International Jaguar Day as follows:

Celebrated annually on November 29, this day will raise awareness about threats facing the jaguar, conservation efforts ensuring its survival and the role of the jaguar as a keystone species whose presence is indicative of a healthy ecosystem – the foundation for a sustainable future for wildlife and people alike.

If you ask me, that sounds like the perfect holiday. I love how Panthera makes it clear that jaguar conservation is not just about jaguars: it helps to safeguard the ecosystems that countless other species, including humans, rely on. We are all embedded in this Earth, and we all have a stake in its future.

A great way to honor International Jaguar Day would be to take a few minutes to learn about this audacious cat. Panthera has a page that is full of information about jaguars, which is located here. Another great site is the IUCN’s (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) assessment for Panthera onca: it contains much of the fundamental information about jaguar conservation. Also, for those who are so inclined, I have included links to some of my most popular jaguar-related posts in the “Further Reading” section below.

Happy International Jaguar Day! I hope you will set aside some time to learn about this incredible cat today, and to tell others about them as well.

Further Reading:

Jaguar Quick Facts

Great National Geographic Story about the Spiritual Importance of Jaguars

Jaguars in the United States: Part 1

Jaguars in the United States: Part 2

Human-Jaguar Conflict may be more Complex than it Seems

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Trade is Taking a Heavy Toll on Bolivian Jaguars

18 Thoughts

  1. Hi Josh! The sterling work you do advocating for these beautiful cats is admirable. I hope we all, especially we learn that “…jaguar conservation is not just about jaguars: it helps to safeguard the ecosystems that countless other species, including humans, rely on.” can do our bit support initiatives like these. Happy International Jaguar Day!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I think it’s sad that humans have to be reminded that something affects us too, to care about or give relevance to how our activities affect other living things.

    That said, this Jaguar Day is a great idea. Let’s just hope people remember the true meaning of it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, the assumptions is that humans will care more about something if it affects them directly. I suppose that in many cases that’s true, but likely not all.

      Haha, we should make “Keep Conservation in Jaguar Day” bumper stickers, like people do for a certain historical figure in a certain holiday that takes place in December.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Historical or mythical? Who really knows? 😂🤣 I do think bumper stickers for the jaguars could work. Anything to keep awareness alive Look how people have completely changed the meaning of Shark Week. It can happen!

        Liked by 2 people

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