Spring 2024 Updates

Would you look at that, the first new blog post in two months! As always, I didn’t intend to fall off the blog, but I needed to prioritize “real life” over blogging. Here’s a summary of what’s been happening:

AmeriCorps 2020: The crowning

There are moments in life – rare ones – when you feel like you’ve made progress. Brief feelings of mastery, like when Anakin Skywalker believed he’d surpassed Obi-Wan, only to have all of his remaining limbs severed and to be burned alive. August 26, 2020 was one of those moments for me.

How attention can affect conservation

Here’s a fascinating new study published by Margarita Gil-Fernández (2023) and colleagues. It’s about big cats in Costa Rica; or, more specifically, how receiving attention from conservationists following attacks on livestock can affect ranchers’ attitudes towards big cats. The findings from this study have crucial implications for conservation.

Spring 2023 Updates

I’ve now been posting regularly for the past four months, and The Jaguar and Allies is coming back to life. This might be a short reprieve, though. There are more changes on the horizon that could, once again, compromise my ability to work on this blog.